Fire Safety Plans
In developing a construction fire safety plan, choose qualified people because the safety of your employees, contractors, and their families depend on it. Professional construction fire safety planning is a specialty requiring experience in both fire safety and construction. We excel in both.

 Fire safety planning and risk management assessments of the site should be done prior to, during, and after building construction/demolition is completed and are essential to prepare for and manage fire hazards. Planning and assessment will identify and lead to methods and processes that will
minimize or contain potential fire hazards.
All activities involving site safety must be coordinated through the planning and assessment process. As well, your site plan must reflect changes in the site over the period of your build. Upon request of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (Fire Department, Building Department & Work Safe Safety Inspectors) your site supervisor must be able to produce a construction site specific fire safety plan that accurately reflects the current state of your build site.
This means working with a professional fire safety consultant that is retained for the balance of the project term who will update your plan and has the recognized qualifications and skill set to train your site personnel and also recognize any developments on the site that need to be addressed.

The applicable Fire Code provisions are included in the fire safety plan and are applied depending on the projects' scope and conditions of the site. For example,  the size and type of the building and its proximity to adjacent buildings. These considerations, and many others, are part of the value in hiring a professional fire safety consultant to ensure your site meets the construction fire safety plan requirements as well as having special insights to the possible concerns of the fire department as situations or developments on the site arise. Manx works with your project and site management team to ensure there is a consistent and current development to your construction fire safety plan. 

Remember -  qualified people. The safety of your employees, contractors, and their families depend on it.